It is so important to work with an experienced island real estate representative that truly understands ALL of the things that must be considered when buying or selling an island property. Some things that are especially important are the condition of a property’s septic systems, compliance with county regulations and permitting. Even some long time island brokers do not understand septic systems or how to read a septic inspection report. I do.
I make sure that any property I list for sale has a passing septic report. If there are deficiencies discovered, I have the skills to make sure those are corrected before any sale closes. The county regulations are very clear on these matters but not all brokers understand how to follow those regulations.
I created the Whidbey’s Clean Beaches Project. I volunteer my services to the island community to research septic system status. I contact property owners who have septic systems that are out of inspection compliance and help them to get that done. Many island property owners are unaware that their septic system could be polluting the surrounding area. Every septic system must be inspected on a regular basis per Island County Health Department regulations. I can help property owners find a qualified septic inspector and supervise the work. If repairs are needed, I can help you navigate the Island County Health Department repair process. There are low cost loans available to repair failing septic systems.
Septic systems are a very efficient way to process waste and keep the surrounding environment safe and healthy, including our wetlands, water aquifers and wildlife habitat.